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Fishing Methods of Master Angler, Ted St. Onge,
Month | Salmon (depth & lure) | Lakers (depth & lure) | Rainbows (depth & lure) | Bass (depth & lure) |
May | On top to 10' down | - Bass about the same |
June | 20' - 25' down | My fishing methods strictly uses thermometers and it is difficult to say just how deep a fish will be. Usually salmon are at 54 to 56 degree water. Lake trout are 48 to 52 degree water. Rainbows are 58 to 60 degree weather. |
July | 25'-35' down | |
August | 35'-45' down | |
September | 35'-45' down | |
October | On top to 10' down |
Laker:Size: 10 pounds in July 2003
Lure: sewed on bait.
Depth: 38 ft.
-- 11 pounds, 4 oz. 32'' long in 1975. (in Squam Lake)
Rainbow:Size: 14 pounds in August 1999.
Lure: sewed on bait.
Depth: 100 ft. (Diamond Island)
Size: 3 1/2 pounds in May 2003.
Lure: sewed on bait.
Depth: 3ft. (Bear Island)
“One day when I was fishing the broads on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. It was a very hot day in August. The kind of day that gets so hot that you keep soaking your hat in the lake to cooldown. I lowered my thermometer into the lake. At the depth of 90 ft. the temperature was 54 degrees - the temperature I always seek. I then let down ten colors of lead core line. I was using florescent orange Mooselook warblers.
The day was going pretty slow on the lake. I was having no luck. Two fishermen came close to my boat and asked what I was fishing for. I told them "Salmon". They were trying to be helpful and said that I was trolling too slowly and that I would be capable of catching lake trout only. But I had tried my time proven fishing methods for a long time and knew that it worked.
I was thinking about changing the lure colors when all of a sudden my outboard motor stalled. I couldn't get it started. I was afraid that I would hook bottom with the ten colors of line that I had out. Again I turned up the throttle and pulled the starting cord. It caught and gave me quite a thrust forward. I said, "Too late, I'm hooked on the bottom!"
I then noticed the rod bucking back and forth almost touching the water! The bottom turned out to be a 31" 10-pound salmon. After a 30-minute battle, I finally got the fish in the net.
You should have seen the look on the faces of the two fishermen when they saw this fish I caught with my fishing methods. This day that started out slow, looking like a horrible day on the lake, once again become a great day of fishing for me.
“My wife and I went fishing by Little Bear Island one day. It was the first week of June and the salmon were starting to go down from the surface where they are just after ice-out. Using my fishing methods, we took a water temperature reading, which I always do with a thermometer I attach to my hand crank down rigger. We had a reading of 54 degrees at a depth of 20 feet.
We started to fish and began to take salmon almost immediately. All the salmon were to 2 lbs to 3 lbs. We released all the fish. It was a beautiful day with a blue sky and white puffy clouds. We were enjoying the beauty of the New Hampshire lake and it's surroundings.
Then suddenly Pauline's fishing rod whipped back and forth. This time the rod bent to the breaking point. The reel was screaming! After a 20-minute fight she landed a huge salmon. We had not even finished re-baiting that rod when her other rod, on the other side of the boat, got a huge hit with the reel screaming. After another fight she landed another huge salmon. Needless to say, Pauline did not throw these two back.
Yes, my son and a lot of close friends.
- Just after ice out, fish early in the morning and late before dark. Salmon are light sensitive and as the sun rises,they tend to go down.
- Use sewed on smelt or minnows, troll 1/2 milesper hour. Find the depth the salmon are. These fishing methods never fail.
- Always use thermometers to find the thermocline (54 degrees.) Just a few degrees off can make a difference between a slow or fast day of fishing.
- Fish close to the boat. 6 1/2 ft. from the ball of the down rigger and tie an attractor to the ball of the rigger.
- Use a Dave Davis spinner, 48 inches long on the ball of the rigger and run your bait 2 feet back of the spinner and 18 inches above the last blade on the spinner so it will not catch on the spinners.
- Use larger baits than you would for Salmon.
- Use a thermometer to find 48-52 degrees
- Run the bait close to the bottom near the shoreline or near a reef
- Suckers about 6-8 inches long work fine. Try to bump the bottom occasionally.
- Troll slowly (1/2 MPH)
Ifind that Rainbows take with the same method that I use for Salmon except that I run my bait at a temperature reading of 58 degrees for rainbows instead of the 54 degrees I use for Salmon.
I am basically a salmon fisherman. I do catch a lot of bass, but only by accident. The same goes for rainbows. Last season I caught real nice rainbows and salmon on New Found Lake but all and all the best fishing last year was on Winnipesaukee.
Most of the time. I'm looking for trophy fish and will usually keep a very large fish.
I have seen Yellow Perch disappear in the lake also. I don't know why.
I still catch a few. My son, Scott and I had just caught a nice salmon while actually watching him on the fish-finder come up to the lure behind the down rigger. Scott said to me, "As soon as we mark another fish in the sonar, I'll try to jig the rod up again and see what happens.
"It wasn't very long after we had caught the Salmon that another big fish appeared on the sonar. After waiting a few minutes of watching the fish shape following the bait but not taking,
Scott picked up the rod and popped the lure free from the release.
This time after pumping the rod just a few times, the rod bent down as if stuck on the bottom. After a fifteen-minute fight, he brought the fish to the net and we couldn't believe the size of this fish -- a whitefish!
We believe this whitefish was a record fish but we didn't have it officially weighed. On our scale, the fish weighed 5 1/2 pounds and was 24" long. After showing the picture of this fish to Mr. Wheeler at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, he said that we should have had it weighed because it probably was a new Whitefish record as the current record is 5 pounds 1 ounce!
“The fishing I experienced last season was some of the best I have seen in 30 years so I don't think it needs much improvement. I would like to see more state launching boat pads. Paugus Bay charges 20 dollars to launch a boat.
“My wife and I were fishing Squam Lake in 1975 and one morning we fished near Church Island. We had not had a hit for about 3 hours. We were using live minnows and that is usually very good bait. Finally a little breeze came up and it started to break up the surface.
Shortly after, we got a little chop. The rod on my side of the boat went crazy. It turned out to be the largest salmon I have ever caught in New Hampshire. It took me almost 40 minutes to net it. It weighed 11 pounds, 4oz and was 32 inches long.
A lot of salmon fishermen including me like to fish the Big Lake, but often overlook Paugus
Bay. Some of the friends that I hunt with in New York came to New Hampshire to do some salmon fishing with me. They are never disappointed with the great fishing on Paugus Bay.
That's why they come back year after year. This year, they arrived on June 15th and the Salmon were 28 ft. down. We caught salmon up to 5 lbs. but most were between 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 lbs. Here is a picture of what the salmon were like 3 years ago.
“I was fishing Alton Bay, New Hampshire a few years back. It was a gray day with no breeze. The lake was like a mirror and I wondered if it would start to rain. It goes to show you that you never know. It turned out to be one of my best days of the season.
I set the 2 fly rods with long leaders of 100 feet because the smelt were still going up the brooks and also up on the gravel banks on the side of the lake to spawn. The long leaders help to get the salmon that the boat scares off, close to the shore where the smelt are running.
After the boat goes by, the salmon come back to catch the spawning smelt. About 100 feet behind the boat, the smelt that you are trolling come up to the surface. After catching and releasing many salmon. I got these two beauties in the picture. About the rain? It never rained a drop the entire day. I had a great day of fishing on the lake.
“One morning I decided I would fish Lake Winnipesaukee from Brown's Boat Basin. It was a beautiful day with a blue sky and a light wind. This is what we call "a 4 inch salmon chop".
I launched my boat then headed out past the U.S. Post Office on Bear Island, near the ledges on the side of 3-Mile Island. I had no sooner put out one rod when the action began. I caught quite a few salmon in the next two hours using my fishing methods.
These salmon weighed up to 3 pounds and most were about 19" to 21" in length. At 11 o'clock I had a wicked hit on my rod. The way the reel screamed I knew that I had a good one. After about twenty minutes of this fish putting up quite a fight, I reeled it in. I had landed the fish in the photo that you see here.
“With me, fishing is an addiction. I can't get enough of it. It's constantly on my mind. It's a thrill that I can't explain and I just want to keep doing it and using my fishing methods.”