Ice Skating Rinks
Lake Winnipesaukee Region
Of New Hampshire
Public ice skating rinks in the Lake Winnipesaukee area of New Hampshire are great places for fun family activities. It's very inexpensive compared to other sports. If you don't know how to skate, many places have lessons. Whether you're interested in
figure skating
, hockey or speed skating, there are lessons for everyone.

Even if you're starting off at beginner ice skating, you can still enjoy the ice skating rinks around Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. Indoor public rinks have special "chairs" to help the beginner go out on the ice. This is especially good for the little kids. If you have a little more confidence, you can skate along the side and hold onto the wall.
If you're a more advanced ice skater, you can move to the center and practice spins and jumps. Most of the time, ice skating rinks are a great place for a social gathering. Kids get to spend time with their friends and they get some exercise.

Laconia, New Hampshire Ice Arena
- (603)528-0789 offers all types of skating. They also have rentals and skate sharpening.
Laconia public skate times are:
- Mon-Wed-Fri 10:00am to 11:00am
- Tues-Thurs 11:00am to 1:00pm
- Sat-Sun 12:00 to 1:30pm

Tilton School Ice Rink - This is a great alternative when you can't make other skate times. In the winter, public skate time is on Sunday from 6:00pm - 8:00pm.
Pop Whalen Ice and Arts Center - Wolfeboro (603)569-5639.
They offer ice skating lessons and hockey leagues. During school vacations they have a variety of day and evening public skate times. Their regular Saturday schedule public skate time is 11:45am to 2:15pm and Sunday is 12:30pm to 3:45pm.
Flooded town rinks
- Arthur A. Tilton Ice Rink
Varney Point - off Route 11 on Varney Point Road. This year they're offering free ice skating, but no supervision. The rink times are:
Open skate - Dawn 'til 10am and 12noon- 3:30pm
Stick and puck - 10am-12noon for ages 13 and under; 3:30om 'til dusk for ages 14 and up
- Opechee Park on Lake Opechee
- Leavitt Park on Elm Street
- Memorial Park, Pearl Street off of Court Street
- Child's Park on Meredith Center Rd. - has lighting for night skating
- Prescott Park on Daniel Webster Hwy. - has lighting for night skating
- Mill Falls in front of Bay Point on Lake Winnipesaukee
- Playground Drive on Rte. 25 - times are posted at the rink and on their newsline (this rink is before Murphy's gas station across from Bad News Cafe.
- Pop Whalen Ice and Arts Center - free for public use
For further information on outdoor rinks, call the individual town Parks and Recreation departments.
You can also enjoy ice skating on local ponds. Check with the town safety department to make sure the ice is safe before going on it.