Lake Winnipesaukee Realtors
In New Hampshire
"Happiness is living on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee."

Lake Winnipesaukee realtors in New Hampshire have a listing with many homes. Choose one of these agents to help you find the perfect dream home on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee.
There are many very good, reliable agents in the area that do a wonderful job. Sometimes you need to find the agent that matches your personality and knows what you're looking for.
I've included a list of some Real Estate Agencies in the Lake Winnipesaukee area of New Hampshire. You can select the one you're most comfortable with. All are good contacts to get your search started for the right piece of property around Lake Winnipesaukee.
Here is the list of Lakes Region Real Estate Agencies that have homes for sale in New Hampshire:

Aqua Vest Realty
PO Box 400
Alton Bay, NH 03810

Century 21 Lakes Region Realty
290 Daniel Webster Highway
Meredith, NH 03253
Century 21 Twin Rivers Realty
174 Court St.
Laconia, NH 03246

Coldwell Banker
348 Court St.
Laconia, NH 03246

Exit Lakeside Realty Group
200 Court Street
Laconia, NH 03246

Florence Cummins Real Estate
61 Liscomb Circle
Gilford, NH 03249
Ganong Real Estate
357 Weirs Rd.
Laconia, NH 03246

J.G. Realty
25 Country Club Rd.
Building 2, Suite 201
Gilford, NH 03249

Lake Gallery Real Estate
949 Laconia Rd.
Tilton, NH 03276
Maxfield Real Estate 15 Railroad Ave.
Wolfeboro, NH
Roche Realty
97 Daniel Webster Highway
Meredith, NH 03253
Wolfeboro Bay Real Estate
PO Box 675
Wolfeboro, NH 03894